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Topic: Determining the concentration of Ethanol in Vodka  (Read 7739 times)

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Offline Del_Lep

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Determining the concentration of Ethanol in Vodka
« on: June 03, 2007, 07:02:41 AM »
Hey guys,

I am attemping to find out the concentration of ethanol present in a 37.5% solution of Vodka. By using n=m/M I figure the concentration of ethanol should be 8.15molL-1 (375 ml in 1L, M of ethanol=46, 375/46=8.15) Is this correct?

I'm also trying to figure it out by reacting the vodka with dichromate and titrating the leftover dichromate against a thiosulfate solution. I figured the mol of ethanol that reacted with the S2O3 which is 0.0159732. That was in a 5ml sample of 5ml 37.5% vodka, 995 ml water solution. From this what is the concentration of the original solution? My calculations:

.015 x 200 = 3.19 -> mol of diluted 1L solution
3.19 x 200 = 638.928 -> mol in original 37.5% solution

Obviously this is wrong, what I want to know is it because of these calculations of the dilutions above or must it be something I did before hand, when I calculated the mol of ethanol that reacted with S2O3?

Thanks for your help.

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Re: Determining the concentration of Ethanol in Vodka
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2007, 08:49:52 AM »
I am attemping to find out the concentration of ethanol present in a 37.5% solution of Vodka. By using n=m/M I figure the concentration of ethanol should be 8.15molL-1 (375 ml in 1L, M of ethanol=46, 375/46=8.15) Is this correct?

Volumes are not additive. Is it w/w, w/v or v/v percentage?
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Offline Del_Lep

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Re: Determining the concentration of Ethanol in Vodka
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2007, 05:33:29 PM »
If it's w/v, then is it right? It most likely is v/v, I'll have to look tomorrow.

I'm trying the calculations again, any chance you know the general concentration of a 37.5% vodka solution (in molL-1)? It;'s hard to do the calculations and don't know what the answer should be close to, as I have no idea if I've screwed something up.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 05:55:01 PM by Del_Lep »

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