1. No such thing as KSO4
2. You are looking for side reaction - so your skeletal should not contain main product (HBr)
3. You have two weird coefficients - one is negative (all should be positive) one is zero (which means there is no SO2 in products, yet you were specifically told it IS present, so your equation doesn't describe the reaction in question).
What you were told is that side reaction is between KBr + H2SO4 and it yields Br2 + SO2:
KBr + H2SO4 -> Br2 + SO2
However, this can't be right for an obvious reason - no K and H on the right side. The most logical guess is that K becomes K2SO4. What about hydrogen? Hmm, that's more complicated, however, you have hydrogen and at the same time SO42- gets converted to SO2 - so it looses oxygen. Hydrogen and oxygen means water, so your skeletal reaction should look like:
KBr + H2SO4 -> Br2 + SO2 + K2SO4 + H2O
And you should balance it now.