OK, firstly, this forum is
not a place to other people to do your homework for you...

Also, it's
MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to see what you're talking about if you use Isis/draw (free) or chemdraw to draw your reactions.
Ok, on to the chemistry! I think you should maybe have another look at the way you've drawn the grignard reagent - I'm not sure you've got the polarities the right way round (the issue of whether it's appropriate to draw this as an ionic species is probably not one you need to tackle...).
Now think about the reactivity of the carbonyl carbon - does it have a partial positive charge or partial negative charge? Is it an electrophile or a nucleophile?
Now think about the grignard reagent - how is the carbon-magenesium bond polarised? Will the carbon atom act as an electrophile or a nucleophile...?
If you've got the answers to these questions, you're pretty much there !