Hello, I am having a hard time in my Chemistry class, and that's why I am taking remedials this coming Tuesday, and even after reading our book, General Chemistry 7th edition by Whitten, Stanley, Davis and Peck, I still couldn't understand fully..
I have now my ideas on polarity, but I am still not sure..
-so, uhm.. how do I really know whether if the bonds are polar or non-polar? What is it to cancel? Polar have lone pairs right and non-polars don't have? But, is it possible for polars to not have lone pairs right? Can you give me examples.
-How do I know about how short or long the bond angles are?
- What is a dipole moment? Two polars, right? Can you give me example?
- Am I correct on these?
... it is considered polar if the electronegativity is zero?
... if the electronegativity is high, it is ionic?
Sorry for posting rather easy questions for you.. hehe, I just don't understand some of the lessons.. And thanks in advance for those who can help me understand polarity and bonds better.