My iridium button arrived today so I was finally able to take a picture of it. (Soon I'll be able to take a real good picture of it and update the Periodic Table with it). After taking it out of the packaging I was AMAZED at how dense it is. This is incredible. I am so happy to finally have over one troy ounce of 99.98% pure Ir metal. Thank god for football pools.
Anyway, when I took a quick picture of it I put a one troy ounce silver coin right next to it. The thickness of the two items are vitually identical, and the Ir is maybe 1-2 mm thicker at the high spot. The Ir weighs 35 grams and the Ag weighs 31 grams (maybe 32 with the holder included). As you can see, the Ir is MUCH smaller than the Ag is. Simply amazing. Also, in the bigger size it's a bit easier to see the yellow tinge that Ir has. When I put the Ir near the Os and Pd samples I have, the blueness of the Os really shines, the yellow tinge the Ir has shows through, and the blazingly whiteness of the Pd shows itself. THIS is why I collect the elements.