Thanks Einstein!!! I did do a search and besides my question is specific
This forum is full of people like you. I posted a simple question regarding Quantum Chemistry and not one soul responded.
54 people viewed the question and not even one response.
In all fairness, you're question in the physical chemistry forum is not even 2 days old. Also, just because you post a question, does not mean that you get a response. I frequently look at many questions, on the off chance that I might be able to help, but frequently I can't. Bumping that thread with your own post didn't help either. Also, maybe it's not so simple, and the best solution, if you are not finding your answer here is to simply go to your professor's office hours or email, or if there is a TA?
As far as this question is concerned, I'm going to side with you a little, I checked out the article on wikipedia, and the distillation article is massive, and had I not known what I was looking for, I would have found it difficult to find my answer.
However, being disappointed to see that the wiki article had not been as clear at explaining your question as I had hoped (since it seemed from above posts that it had made it abundantly clear and easy to understand), I did do a simple search as you indicated you had done. I googled "ethanol water distillation", and there, I found an amazingly clear website, where your answer is in fact explicitly explained.
Website. So, I agree that the wiki article might not have helped a ton, but your argument for searching first isn't exactly convincing either. [/rant]