With only a few exceptions:
You are right!The bulbs are filled with low pressure Argon
and not Nitrogen, because its higher Ionisation energy and better inertness.
The emission lines have a much smaller
HHW (Half height width) as the absorption of the atoms.
What makes the HCL very, very attractive are (but not lonely):
- - Significant lower detection limits then in the Emission Spectroscopy (Boltzman).
- - High Selectifity ( = no continuous spectrum, small HHW).
- - Less interferenced then Emission Spectroscopy (other elements, phys., etc).
- - Multi Element HCL’s.
- - Relatifly low price.
Your statement about tungsten lamp is correct, but HCL are not useful in
UV/Vis because the high element selectifity.
I hope this may be of help to you.
Good Luck!