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Topic: periodic trends  (Read 4358 times)

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Offline McLovin

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periodic trends
« on: December 02, 2007, 07:57:08 PM »
hey guys im worling on some chemistry labs n im kinda at a stand still.

the questions are:

"Using an activity series, what can you deduce about the relationship between inization energy and reactivity of metals?"

and " Using an activity series, what can you deduce about the relationship beween electron affinity and reactivity of nonmeteals?"

can you guys help me out??? thanks

Offline shelanachium

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Re: periodic trends
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2007, 04:00:43 AM »
It ain't quite that simple as you will find out if you take chemistry further, but in general, if an element has a low ionisation potential it will be a reactive metal - because its positive ion forms easily. If it has a high electron affinity it will be a reactive nonmetal, because its negative ion forms easily.

Gold has a very high ionisation potential and is a very unreactive metal, as you might expect. But it also has a very high electron affinity yet is most definitely a metal! That's an example you may study later, but just as a taste of the delights (or horrors) in store, although a metal its chemistry has many similarities to that of iodine!

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