Dear Fuwei;
Your observation is absolutely correct!
Also several “modern” Inks are today mixtures, and that has a special cause.
(Older Inks was never “pure”, from there nature/production mostly a “natural” mixture.)
Let’s do it on a “to day” Example:
On Ink-Jet printers of any kind it is absolutely required that the three basic Inks (CMY) and Black (K) have all times a special and well defined “Shade/Nuance” in the “Color-Body”, because the Algorithms who are used to produce the image/picture on paper, fabrics, and similar. This is especially important, as you can only prepare the different required/possible Shades/Nuance with different numbers of “Micro-Drops” delivered by the nozzles of the print head.
This required Shades corresponds very seldom with the Nuance of a pure Dye (Not Pigment.), so most modern Inks contains a “Main Component” AND “Shadings” to correct the “Nuance”.
An Exception therefrom is (NOT for “Normal Printing”!) the Nuance Green, because nearly nobody can produce a real pure Green-Dye, and so most Greens are made of a/several Blue(s) and a/several Yellow(s) with nearly similar Amounts, but as I told: Not for Printing.
A typically difficult Nuance for Printing (CMY) is mostly the Magenta to print a brilliant Red, but it’s easy to produce a brilliant pure Red.
Sorry! – It seems there are a Lot of different Prophets, including Wikipedia, they know much better what Dyes, Pigments, Dyestuffs, and Inks/Toners, etc. are, then traditional (since ~1850) manufacturers of most or all kind of such stuff. (Only the “Dye” page of Wiki seems to be a little more accurate.)
Of course that an Ink needs additional components to adjust viscosity, for “non-chromatography”, and other physical parameters, - but I think that I told already.
Good Luck!
P.S.: I can accept that not everybody automaticaly likes my “Text-Shading”, even if it follows a certain concept.