To put it another way:
The air in the room is warmer than the ice cube. Heat always goes from hotter to colder.
Warm air will cool down when it encounters something cold (like an ice cube)
A cold ice cube will warm up when it encounters something warmer (like room-temperature air)
The reason the ice cube melted faster with the fan is because it was exposed to MORE warm air than the one that just sat there. As the ice cube melts, it cools the air around it. If the ice cube is just sitting there, then the air around it is now cold and the ice cube can't really get much warmer. But if a fan is pushing the air away, then a new supply of warm air is always there to warm up the ice cube.
1) Based upon the abbove story what do you think the conclusion of experiment was.
" some of the conclusion that i can think of is that fan creates the air warmer which melts the ice faster."
It doesn't make the air just exposes the ice cube to more air.
2) What do you think th epurpose of the experiment was?
" The purpose of the experiment was to teach the students regarding the heat transfer."
Pretty much.
3) What do you think kids from group a and b learn from experiment
"Kids from Group A learned that, not always what we think is usually the truth until you try it."
That's true, they did learn that. But this isn't the answer they are looking for.
You said in your answer to #2 that the purpose of the experiment was to teach the students about heat transfer. So...what DID they learn about heat transfer?