My apologies...I wrote my last response in haste. If the alcohol conc. is high, entropy in the solution is increased resulting in a larger |dG| than the solution where the alcohol conc. is low.
If we assume that the formation of crystals is an elementary process(no intermediates) then the rate of crystallization is ~Keq. using the relation between Keq and dG, it works out that Ea in the kinetics equation is equal to (-)dG. In the solution with a high concentration of alcohol it's dG is greater than the low concentration. The greater the (-)dG in this situation, the faster the formation of crystals. The lower the (-)dG(low alcohol conc.) the slower the rate of crystal formation is, therefore larger crystals can be made. let me know if I clarified that well enough for you. Again I apologize for the hasty initial response. I didn't mean to confound you, or myself for that matter...