Expensive is relative...when a specimen costs $10.000,one would like to afford such a case.I don't know how Helium works,but I guess it won't be too expensive.
I started this topic for my own specimens,no doubt,but I'm also thinking of providing all this info to Sofia Mineral Museum.The curators there are excellent specialists on Mineralology,but their knowledge on storing specimens is limited.They discarded valuable Pyrite (FeS2 -Iron Persulfide) specimens because they started decomposing by oxidation due to Sulfide oxidising bacteria.
A specimen for a collector means emotional value and money,but for Mineralogy means also scientific value.When a piece is destroied,it's like an archaeological specimen is destroied.Same
is with fossil specimens which are mineralized organisms.
As you see,this is not going overboard.
Thank you very very much!