My game is currently titled Alchemy Planet. I need help with the naming of 31 compounds in a game set in a fantastical future. It is loosely based on the idea of the alchemists of old in their pursuit of making gold.
The alchemists of the future find 4 elements that they call Airium (A), Earthium (E), Firium (Fi), and Watrium (W). These 4 elements, in the game, can be put together in 4 element combinations so that 31 unique compounds can be created. Alphabetically, from A3E to FiW3 (AAAE, AAAFi, AAAW, AAEE, AAEFi, etc.). In theory, none of these elements can leave the Alchemy Planet's atmosphere in element form but can in a compound form.
In addition to naming, the game theorizes some things that may be scientifically incorrect and I would want to make it true to science fact as possible. Each of the compounds have an "in game" usage and I just don't know how realistic some of these things would be... but as I am using unknown elements I was hoping to be able to get away with a few liberties.
I was hoping to find someone on this forum that is not only knowledged in chemistry and the naming of chemical elements, but someone that is kind enough to lend me some of their time to name the compounds and tell me where I may be scientifically incorrect.
Unfortunately, I cannot afford to pay any money, but I will hopefully be able to put a credit on the finished game when I sell the game to a publisher. However, this will be up to the publisher... but this is usually not a concern.
If interested, please say so and tell me how to contact you (or I can give my email via private message - don't know what this site has in that regard just yet).