Aqua Regia:
One part HNO3 and three parts of HCl when mixed together, the mixture so obtained is called Aqua Regia. Noble metals such as gold,platinum are not dissolved either of the acid alone but in Aqua Regia they easily dissolve due to liberation of atomic Cl which is highly reactive.
3 + 3HCl NOCl + 2H
Dissolving gold
Aqua regia dissolves gold, even though neither constituent acid will do so alone, because, in combination, each acid performs a different task. Nitric acid is a powerful oxidizer, which will actually dissolve a virtually undetectable amount of gold, forming gold ions (Au3+). The hydrochloric acid provides a ready supply of chloride ions (Cl-), which react with the gold to produce chloraurate anions, also in solution. The reaction with hydrochloric acid is an equilibrium reaction which favors formation of chloraurate anions (AuCl4-). This results in a removal of gold ions from solution and allows further oxidation of gold to take place, and so the gold is dissolved. In addition, gold may be oxidized by the free chlorine present in aqua regia. Appropriate equations are:
Au (s) + 3 NO
3- (aq) + 6 H
+ (aq) → Au
3+ (aq) + 3 NO
2 (g) + 3 H
2O (l)
3+ (aq) + 4 Cl
- (aq) → AuCl
4- (aq)
The oxidation reaction can also be written with nitric oxide as the product rather than nitrogen dioxide.
Au (s) + NO
3- (aq) + 4 H
+ (aq) → Au
3+ (aq) + NO (g) + 2 H
2O (l)
The reduction potential for the AuCl4 half reaction is 1.00 V.
1. The more positive the E°, the higher the tendency the species will undergo reduction.
2. The more negative the E°, the higher the tendency the species will undergo oxidation.
Then you are asked:
Suggest a substance that could be used to convert the AuCl4 back into Au. So you need something that will reduce the AuCl
4 back to the SOLID Au (Au(s)).
To find this you need to go the Tables with Reduction Potenials.
The standard redustion potential for Au
+3 + 3e- ----> Au° E° =1.50 V
Link To Standard Reduction Potentials: your choice. would you have to use a substance that would produce a spontaneous reaction?
I hope this Helps