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Topic: Teaching Language in Europe  (Read 13609 times)

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Offline Berettagtz

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Teaching Language in Europe
« on: January 20, 2008, 04:03:44 PM »
I need to know which European Universities have graduate chemistry programs that are taught in English language.  Besides the UK universites, I know that a few others in Europe teach in English.  Anyone know any such universites and their websites?

Thanks in advance

Offline Polleke

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Re: Teaching Language in Europe
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 09:53:22 AM »
No response I notice.

what are graduate educations? 

In europe the system is like this : bachelor and master educations.
The bachelor phase consists of 3 years from 17/18 till 20/21) , the first 3 years of university

then you have 2 years of master at the university.

In Belgium there are some universities that offer some specialised education in english.
(the basics however are almost always in dutch, by basics I mean the first 3 bachelor years)

In holland its the same: only they teach more in english in general.

I'll give you some websites now:
(holland, but no chemistry I think)

(again holland)
(holland, however: there are 2 subjects that are given in dutch)
(webiste is in dutch, but the education is in english)
(holland again..)
(leuven university, belgium)

Well, I hope this helps.

In belgium there arent any other chemistry courses in english, all the english courses are more specialised and not 100% focused on chemistry.

Offline Telamond

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Re: Teaching Language in Europe
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2008, 05:44:02 PM »
Sweden works the same way as in Belgium.

First 3 years you take a bachelor and then move on to a masters (2 years).
But isn't graduate the time after that? The 7 year research education you take after your master's? If so, then I believe that most (if not all) of them are in english.

Offline Polleke

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Re: Teaching Language in Europe
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2008, 05:31:28 AM »

I am not sure but I think that undergraduate is the same as a bachelor

and a graduate is the same as a master.

And after you have your master you can still study further to obtain a doctors degree.

Offline Berettagtz

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Re: Teaching Language in Europe
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2008, 02:50:02 AM »
Thanks for the replies.
Undergraduate is the same thing as Bachelor.  Graduate is the same thing as masters. 

I was wondering if there were any programs in Environmental Chemistry that are taught in English.  Telamond, do you know of any such programs in Sweden?

Offline Polleke

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Re: Teaching Language in Europe
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2008, 06:23:14 AM »
Berettagtz, to study Environmental Chemistry you need to go to either a scandinavian country like sweden or you need to check out a university in holland.

The scandinavian countries are really well know for their environmental studies , but more in general I think then chemistry based.
In holland however they have a university called: wageningen and this university is world wide known for their studies on environmental issues.

In belgium their are some courses like that too, but most of them are very very very specialised and are courses only open to people that allready have a master degree!
They teach really experienced things and sometimes even things that are almost unique in europe.

I'll post some links later on.

Offline Polleke

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Re: Teaching Language in Europe
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2008, 06:41:26 AM »
Some links: ==> master in chemistry , leuven => master of molecular and cellular biophiscs, leuven ==> very specialised course, only open to certain masters, its a a course to become a master of nuclear engineering, universities of leuven, gent and brussel and even antwerp I think (they all work togheter for this master, its a international master)
(something you can do after you got your master in chemistry) ==> master for nanoscience and nanotechnology, open to chemistry bachlors, leuven ==> master of tropical natural resources management, leuven ==> master of water recources, really specialised towards water management etc... , leuven ==> master Master of Marine and Lacustrine Sciences, gent ==> Master of Applied Microbial Systematics, gent ==> Master of Nutrition and Rural Development, afstudeerrichting: Tropical Agriculture, gent ==> Master of Environmental Sanitation, gent ==> Master of aquaculture, gent ==> wageningen university, their programs.

anyway, I hope this helps.

About the scandinavian universities: I think you should ask people from their to get some more info, I am not familiar with their education.

Offline Telamond

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Re: Teaching Language in Europe
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2008, 09:39:31 AM »
I was wondering if there were any programs in Environmental Chemistry that are taught in English.  Telamond, do you know of any such programs in Sweden?

I'm so sorry for the late response. I attend Stockholm University, I believe all the advanced courses in chemistry are being taught in english. Please ask around.     Master's programme in Environmental Chemistry.
Also, we have an institution for applied environmental chemistry (ITM, abbreviated using swedish words), although they don't offer any courses themselves, they do cooperations with several other institutions in the Department of Natural Science (Biology, Chemistry and Geology), please look into them.

Sorry for the very late post, and *Ignore me, I am impatient*.

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