hello chem-forums, zxxyxzxzz here, its nice to find a site like this theres so much to learn here its retarded! I know very little of chemistry but Iv been studying it for a couple years now and Iv studied the eqiuptment it involves too, everything from alkaloid reduction, basing freebase into a salt form, gassing salt from non-polar, filteration, washing, recrystallizing, air and oxygen sensitive molecues, rotary evap, vacuum pumps ( still studying these things, got a good idea ), madnetic stirrers, ect ect ect. Iv studied very little of inert atmospheres and iso-chambers they are created in ( otherwise knowen as the glove box ) and was curious as they are conducted and created, I was wondering if an inert atmosphere was something injected into a glove box to isolate the box with oh lets say Argon gas?? would your lab setup be IN the glove box?? OR, can an inert atmosphere be conducted straight into the flask with the chemical reaction ( since Argon doesnt really react with anything )??