Hi, this question is 3-fold.
Firstly, can someone confirm if the mass transfer in the stationary phase in HPLC is increased by small particle sizes, increased stationary phase diffusion coefficients and large partition coefficients, as well as thin film layers of stationary phases. What does it mean by thin film layers of stationary phase. Does this apply to HPLC. Is the use of large partition coefficients because the analyte will reside in the stationary phase longer.
2) I think mass transfer in the mobile phase depends on the mobile phase velocity, therefore mobile phase viscosity and temperature are important. Viscosity of mobile phase increases, mass transfer decreases, increasing band broadening. Increased temperature reduces viscosity, increasing mass transfer and decreasing band broadening. However, is particle size also important. If so, the factors that affect mass transfer are also mobile phase are pore structure, size and shape.
3) finally, does someone have a link to a diagram showing all influences on the number of theoretical plates
This is a long post, so thanks for bearing with me, and I hope someone can help