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Topic: Common household items  (Read 18248 times)

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Offline waggles

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Common household items
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:46:35 PM »
Hi, first I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Allan. I currently home school my son Josh who is 16. I would like to show him some cool chemistry experiments but lack the supplies, and cannot currently afford to buy them. If you guys could produce a list of household items that contain chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide (>30%), sodium acetate, potassium iodide, or anything else that you may know of PLEASE let me know. Also if you know any cheap cool experiments that would be greatly appreciated too.

Cheers :)

Offline pzona69

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Re: Common household items
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2008, 11:28:34 PM »
Potassium iodide is fairly easy to obtain. Get an iodide solution at your local pharmacy; many of them contain an alcohol solvent with potassium iodide dissolved in it.  Just boil that off and you get a fine crystal powder of KI. If you're looking for something to do with this, it reacts very visibly with hydrogen peroxide (even 3%), which is an example of oxidation into products which then react further. Not sure how you may use that, but it's something I did a few weeks ago. It could possibly be an example of a reaction creating products which then react further than you wanted.

Not sure whether you have any sodium hydroxide around (lye), since it's not  exactly common in the home anymore, but if you do, it reacts with vinegar to yield sodium acetate and water (and CO2?).  I won't bother figuring out exactly what it would be, but the yield would be small considering the only 5% or so of vinegar that is acetic acid.

Hopefully that helps a little bit. Requires a little bit of preparation, but I figured I'd share what I know  :)

Offline DigiTan

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Re: Common household items
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2008, 12:15:11 AM »
Just curious, is this for one of those Iodine clock experiments?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide antiseptic (3%) is available from the drug store. Clairoxide hair bleach by Clairol is much more concentrated (12%) and is available from beauty supply stores.  Concentrations as high as 35% may be available at health food stores and natural medicine stores as a source of "natural oxygen." Swimming pool and spa suppliers often carry concentrations as high as 27% but these usually contain preservatives/stabilizers. Note: Do not heat. Do not store in metal containers.

Sodium Acetate
Main ingredient in hand-warmers that are available at sporting goods stores.  Can also be made through the reaction of baking soda and vinegar.

Potassium Iodide
Radiation pills.  Available sometimes as a photographic development chemical.  Also from outdoor/survivalist stores in pill form to avoid the uptake of radioactive iodine during a nuclear accident.

...this comes from Aaron Muderick's "Common Sources for Various Chemicals" webpage.

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