Hi, I have a question that states:
Explain why butyl alcohol is soluble in sulfuric acid.
My answer: Butyl alcohol is soluble in sulfuric acid because they can react readily even in the absence of catalyst like sulfuric acid.
Is this answer correct, or should I look further into it
Also I'm a little confused about how to right a Sn1 and Sn2 reaction. Could someone please offer help in that as well.
Thank You
first of all, you can't say in the absence of a catalyst like sulfuric acid because your butyl alcohol is in sulfuric acid
second, what do you think are the products (if there's any) when you mix the two
third, you have an alcohol and not an alkyl halide
what do you need to know about SN1 and SN2?
note: butyl alcohol with H
4 and heat will most probably go E2