1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
A chemical reaction is a gas mixture at 500 degrees C decreases the number of moles of gas, which is assumed to behave ideally, by 34.7%. If the internal energy change is 23.8 kJ, what is the value of dH.
2. Relevant equations
Not sure if they are complete relevant but...
d(PV) = d(nRT)
dH = dE + d(PV)
3. The attempt at a solution
So...what I was thinking of doing was using dH = dE + dPV.
We are given dE. To find d(PV), I was thinking of using d(nRT), because it tells us the change in moles. I feel that I'm close, but I know that you can't just put in the change in percent for the change in moles.