No, Reid vapor pressure and true vapor pressure are not the same. Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) is a method of characterizing the vapor pressure of petroleum products. It is very widely used in the petroleum refining industry because it is a very simple and very quick test method. The test method is spelled out in ASTM method D323-06 which specifies that it be done at 100 deg F (37.8 deg C).
However, RVP differs somewhat from the True Vapor Pressure (TVP). You can find methods of converting RVP to TVP in the USA's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publication "AP-42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emissions". Chapter 7, Section 1 of that publication deals with vapor emissions from storage tanks and is available online at: down to pages 43 and 44 of that section and you will find a nomograph for converting RVP to TVP. You will also find equations for doing the conversion (obtained by linear regression of the nomograph).