The main transporting vehicle for cholesterol is HDL ( High density lipoprotein). Here I'm going to explain its metabolism then you will come to know about the cholesterol chemical form in it!
when HDL is synthesized by liver it contains
Apoproteins (A1 + others) + Free Cholestrol + LCAT + Phospholipids
LCAT = lecithing cholestrol acyl transferase
This newly synthesized HDL is called nascent HDL.
the action of LCAT converts nascent HDL into HDL3. How?
simply as name indicate it transfer ACYL group from phospholipids to cholestrol and ESTERIFIED IT. and the resulting HDL is termed as HDL3. (Note: A1 works as cofactor for LCAT)
HDL3 = Apoproteins (A1 + others) + ESTRIFIED Cholestrol + LCAT + Phospholipids
this HDL3 take more unsestrifed cholesterol from other tissue of bodies esterified it by LCAT and convertes to HDL2. which in turn release its cholesterol to liver and gain converts into HDL3 and the cycle repeats.
Simply it determines the stage of metabolism of HDL that cholesterol will be esterified or not!