I have looked into selective electrodes, but they are very expensive. I am a bit of a tinkerer, so I am hoping I can use my skills in electronics to make an analyser using a broad spectrum light source, diffraction grading for wavelength selection and a light detector.
This link is what lead me to believe I may be able to analyse visible light for Ca:
http://jersey.uoregon.edu/vlab/elements/Elements.htmlFrom my web searching I have identified EDTA as a common reagent in titrating Mg and Ca. An indicator (EBT) is used in conjunction with a buffer to maintain suitable pH. Only problem is that ALL of these are toxic for various reasons (EDTA - C Ca depletion in biological systems, EBT - just plain nasty, pH buffer - upset natural pH in water). So... not a continuous testing option.
If I cant find a method of continuous testing, I at least would like a means of automating the test procedure. Currently I use commercial test kits, which require tedious drop-wise addition of reagents.
As a first stab I think I will try an EBT indicator, then measure the absorption of light by the colored complexes with Mg and Ca. Hopefully there will be differences in the absorption spectra for the two complexes.
Any thoughts and comments would be appreciated.