DrCMS, Dear Mr.
I feel very, very empathy with you,
because it is not the only ‘Function’ that’s highly battered from it.
(Sorry! Dear
All these kinds of postings have very rarely any thing to do with
guidance, or with the “
Socratic Method/Principal of Learning” (see Forum Rules).
Maybe they should be handled like the sources the most come from, the “news papers”:
As soon as they are outdated (mostly already ‘tomorrow’!), they are thrown away.
Even - any kind of splitting would be better to keep the Forums Topic (= like a separate ‘Bourse’).
Since a couple of weeks I realised your bad situation, and I think there are many others ‘searching’ for an adequate job!
I also know that everybody and all may discuss about the exclusivity of the presented jobs yet.
(I would also not be unhappy to know the best one for you.)
But I also believe this ‘problem’ must be solved in one or the other kind.
Why in your, also most other, case, not “
Turn the knife”? - Have a Topic or a sub-board (with a button “
Jobs” on all Forum pages, but not influencing the noted ‘Functions’ or the ‘Search’ button,
where you also are able to present you with a
few!!! Keywords/Features and Wishes.
And as a Thank you to the Forums you delete your entry on this sub-board, as soon as you got your luck?
Such, or similar, could be a benefit for all.
Good Luck!