i dont know whether you guys have taken this into account but make sure you dilute both the H2SO4 and the NAOH in the titration otherwise you wont get any marks for safety...i would dilute both to 0.1moldm3, then the numbers are easier to work with when you multiply back up later on. (and add the water slowly to the sulphuric acid, in case you didnt already know)
for those of you who are reacting with hcl aswell- no need. in the gas experiment if you use a known amount of H2SO4 and react it with excess metal (i would use Mg ribbon) and collect the gas (H2) you can calculate very easily the number of moles hydrogen released per mole of sulphuric acid.
also with the gas experiment mention the use of an ignition tube to make sure all gas is collected..
for the titration, pretty much the same thing. titrate with NAOH at the same conc as the acid (0.1) and record volumes etc. make sure your results are concordant obviously

then use the RAM of both substances to calculate ratio of moles and whatever...
and earlier on in the thread with the "doesnt prove its diprotic just proves H+ ions are released" or something similar-- that is irrelevant at the level this plan is. the exam board doesnt think we have the capacity to understand that yet. i dont think

and the bung with the hole in doesnt really have a name. just make up something complicated like "bung with delivery tube attachment". i reckon.
hope that helped...