Can anyone give me any input on what I have written so far?? I have spent hours reading and refining searches and I am mentally exhausted for the night. I would love any feedback. Please if u could spare a few minutes to read this and tell me what you like or don't like about how I wrote it. Its a bit messy with spacing and breaks but I will fix that soon.600 words so far. The numbers in brackets represent sources
H.I.V. also known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the virus that
can lead to A.I.D.S. A.I.D.S. is the acronym for Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome. H.I.V. has caused wide spread fears
amongst most people, mostly because once you get it, there is no cure.
There are a few ways to acquire this virus including sharing needles,
unprotected sex, exchanging bodily fluids and sometimes receiving
blood transfusions, although it is not as common any longer due to
screening of the blood by hospitals. HIV is a retrovirus that primarily
targets the body’s immune system.(4) A retrovirus is a virus that
contains a unique enzyme called “Reverse Transcriptase” that allows
it to replicate
(multiply) within new host cells. (4) Once the virus has entered the
body’s blood stream, the virus essentially is floating around like a little package and
starts to *Ignore me, I am impatient* into healthy cells, until it finds cells
that contain a special protein called CD4 (T-cells) .The virus infects a large number of these CD4 cells. The blood contains many viral particles that spread throughout the body, seeking out and infecting various organs, especially the lymphoid organs. This is particularly
interesting how it works. (1) When the H.I.V. virus has attached itself to
the CD4 cell, that cell then realizes and intruder is present and the
cell begins a process of fighting off the intruder by consuming it
within the cell and putting up a protective barrier (like a bubble)
around the cell. The cell starts to produce acid within itself to lower
the Ph level, essentially trying to kill the intruder. Try as it may though,
H. I. V. is a clever virus and when the cell begins to pump acid within
itself, the variation in the Ph level starts to change the shape of the
cell, therefore allowing the virus to enter within the cell and releasing
its R.N.A. (information) into the nucleus. (1) The H.I.V. virus cannot be eliminated or destroyed once its made its way inside the cell. The virus undergoes
an incubation period before the onset of disease begins. This means
the virus is dormant within the cells of the body and not currently
active, like a ticking time bomb. Half of the people that become
infected are a- symptomatic (showing no signs of sickness) during the
initial period of infection. This can also be referred to as viral latency.
The H.I.V. virus may lie dormant within a cell for a long period of
(2) Once activated the virus within the cells with the special
enzyme called “reverse transcriptase” starts to turn the viral R.N.A.
“Ribonucleic Acid” (a molecule that can carry genetic information) into D.N.A.
Acid” (the recipe with instructions needed to construct other
cells) so that it can remain compatible with our
genetic material (so the body will allow the virus to replicate itself). This new D.N.A. is then sent into the cells nucleus
where it is split into the body’s D.N.A. by the H.I.V. enzyme integrase
making a D.N.A. copy of the virus's genetic material.
(5) Reverse Transcriptase is one of the most important steps in the
H.I.V. cycle of infection (by turning the viral R.N.A. into new, viral D.N.A.). (5)
When the Cd4 cells and the H.I.V. virus have been “mixed” together the new H.I.V. viral
D.N.A. becomes a provirus. (2) (4) A provirus is a virus that has
integrated itself into the DNA of a host cell. (4) (5) Now that the
H.I.V. virus has the upper hand so to speak and it starts to use the
cells own D.N.A. replicating system to make new copies of the viral
D.N.A. (5)