My teacher said something along the lines that the slope of the graph (CO2 ppm vs. time sec) is the metabolic rate, but I don't see how to incorporate that.
Well, you can start with that, graphing it with your favorite spreadsheet program, and determining the slope. See if that works for you.
I am having great difficulty in converting that into another unit, such as mLs/g/sec.
Often, but not always, ppm is defined as mg per liter, or maybe in this case, ml of CO2 per liter, the instrument's handbook will say exactly what. You may not have had it handy at the time, or right now, but you can ask your instructor for it later. If you work out the rest of the conversions, or do it both ways, and show your teacher, they may tell you the answer, having seen that you've done the work yourself.