What sort of experiments? QA? Titration?
Well, it's simple experiments that kids in elementary school could do, nothing dangerous, and also nothing too complicated for a teacher to do as demonstration. I'm thinking something simple, like filtration, for example, but I have so many recipes for those experiments, I don't need them, we have excellent books for kids that contain many experiments, but problem is that teachers do not show them to kids, or let them do that in chemistry class. Of course, they need also the theory to learn, but I think that they would memorize it better if they could see, for example, litmus in acid and in alkali medium, than to learn that it is red in acid and in alkali medium is blue...it is easy to be confused with colors of indicators...I'm talking here about very simple experiments. Someday maybe we will be able to organize a real chemistry laboratory where they can do many experiments...but I think a bigger problem is that teachers always find some reasons NOT TO do experiments in class.