A zillion times?
Yes, search forums.
Most practicing chemists wouldn't split hairs over the difference between 0.00011 grams dissolved in 100 mL of water (a total of 100.00011 grams of solution) and 0.00011 grams per 100 mL of water (a total of 100 grams of solution).
As long as we are talking about diluted water solution, this approach is OK, but will you also say that 1 ppm of iron in concentrated sulfuric acid (density over 1.8 g/mL) is 1 mg per L? And ppm is how the concentration of heavy metals will be given in high purity reagents. You have not stated "in diluted water solution", your definition was very strong - 1 mg per liter, regardless of the circumstances.
Problem is not with using such approximations, they are very usefull, problem is students tend to learn such definitions (like 1mg/L) not understanding their range of application. And unfortunately students who learnt wrong tend to be wrong for ever.