Hi, I have great difficulty understanding where to start and proceed with this question from my textbook. Please take a look:
11.39 Water at 0°C was placed in a dish inside a vessel maintained at low pressure by a vacuum pump. After a quantity of water had evaporated, the remainder froze. If 9.31 g of ice at 0°C was obtained, how much liquid water must have evaporated? The heat of fusion of water is 6.01 kJ/mol and its heat of vaporization is 44.9 kJ/mol at 0°C.
This is how I approached this question:
Given: H
(g) ; :delta:H = 44.9 kJ/mol
(s) (9.31 g); :delta:H = -6.01 kJ/mol
Past this point, I am having difficulties determining how I can find either the water evaporated or the remainder of liquid water that was left. If you kindly suggest a solution, then that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!