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Topic: Fugacity as a function of Temperature  (Read 8952 times)

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Fugacity as a function of Temperature
« on: August 21, 2008, 02:55:14 PM »
Hi folks,

I'm learning physical chemistry and found a problem. I don't know how to derive fugacity as a function of temperature ...  f = f(T).

It should look like this at the final stage:

ln f(T,p) = ln f(T0,p) - INTT0T {Hm - Hmid}/{RT2} dT

where  f = fugacity
          T = thermodynamic temperature
          p = pressure
          Hm = molar enthalpy
          Hmid = molar enthalpy of ideal gas
          R = gas constant

Offline Hunt

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Re: Fugacity as a function of Temperature
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2008, 03:29:37 PM »
Hello ptcek ,

You can use the gibbs-helmholtz equation for a system undergoing a change in temperature from To to T. Consider a real system versus an ideal system. Then you can write : 

d [ ( G - Gid ) / T ] / dT = - ( H - Hid ) / T2 

Then the classical relation G = Go + RT Ln f ( f = P for an ideal system ) is substituted to yield :

d Ln ( f / p ) = - 1 / R [ ( H - Hid ) / T2 ] dT

We can now integrate setting T between To and T on the right. On the left the Ln(f/p) changes as a function of T from To to  T. However P is the same for both states. Thus , Ln( 1/p ) cancels and you get :

Ln f ( T,p ) - Ln f ( To , p ) = - 1 / R Integral ( H - Hid ) / T2 dT  with the integral limits already set. This is the relation required.

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