SDS is pretty soluble in water, and a 1% solution should be no problem. Of course, it foams a lot, so you wouldn't want to mix it too vigorously, just very thoroughly. That's not a joke. That is to say, spend more time mixing it gently, instaed of going for a rapid shaking. The dry SDS powder can also float on it's foam, as can your other solids. The best way, to mix just about anything, just about any time*, is to dissolve all salts in a portion of the final amount of water, say half, or three quarters of the final volume, dissolve well, add surfactant, mix thoroughly to dissolve, let foam subside, then fill to final volume.
*Disclaimer: for some very insoluble salts, this is hard to do. Also, other detergents, of the sort I'd use in a plating bath, can foam so badly even this won't work. So YMMV.