Hi everyone. I am covalently attaching an NH2 modified Oligo to a carboxylic acid terminated surface. After the coupling, I was told to rinse the sample in PBS buffer with 1% SDS. What is the role of SDS? Is it to remove the unbound oligos? What is the theory behind this?
Also, I just posted a topic in the organic chemistry forum but I think it is more relevant to post it here. I am binding an NH2 modified oligo to a carboxylic acid modified surface using EDC and MES. However I cannot find the recipe for MES buffer online. Does anyone know what it is? Is it ok to use just MES alone with EDC or does it have to be a buffer? Whever I did a search online for MES buffer, it just came up with MES, calling it a buffering agent. Can MES be used alone?