hello all, my question is regarding the production of potaaaium permanganate form manganese dioxide, wikipedia leads me to believe that heating it to a molten state with a powerful base such as sodium or potassium hydroxide and adding an oxidizer (potassium containing if NaOH was used ) will form Potassium Manganate, this in turn can be mixed with an acid solution to form permanganate ions, i was wondering if you could confirm this or perhaps give a more detailed explanation.
Secondly if I have NaOH and a variety of potassium contaning chemicals (KCl, KNO3, K2SO4 etc) will they react with NaOH to form KOH instead ?
If i use KOH with the MnO2 then i can use H2O2 as the oxidizer and have one less chemical to remove to obtain pure KMnO4