^^Dear sir, I must insist that your superscript is incorrect and you are off by several orders of magnitude!
I'm sorry NickDC, I believe you came to the wrong forum, we are chemists here not
alchemists. I should mention that I happen to enjoy reading about alchemy quite a bit, appreciating it from the standpoint of a modern day chemist and in its proper historical perspective. I still don't buy any of it!
I take some umbrage at your statement
I'm not here to prove anything. I only came here to ask the chemists who are so sure they know everything about everything if they had any clue what his glowing white mercury was, but obviously you are all dumbfounded as to what it could be and have absolutely no clue what it is.
Which is exactly what I expected, but I just had to check and make sure their wasn't an easy explanation for what this could be.
I don't recall claiming I knew everything under the sun, let alone a minuscule fraction of that. I also do not remember seeing anyone here claiming to know everything about everything. I would be absolutely delighted to read about and see your processes that produce results that are unknown to mainstream science. Granted, you're not here to prove anything to me, but if you don't show me how it's done, you've just contradicted yourself by proving
something. I'm afraid most chemists are from Missouri.
That Cs137 note was rather cogent, especially considering what happened (I believe) in Mexico with an ampoule that was misplaced from a hospital. Quite a few suffered horrible deaths.