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Topic: is this correct???  (Read 4425 times)

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Offline benj

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is this correct???
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:19:45 PM »
uhmm...we have this take home exam on quantum chem and i dunno if im on the right track..can anyone tell me if i'm doing this correctly??pls...

the question: evaluate the commutators (a) [H,px], and (b) [H,x] where H= p2x/2m + V(x). choose (i)V(x) = V, a constant, (ii) V(x) = (1/2)kx2, (iii) V(x) :rarrow:V(r) = e2/4(pi)(epsilon)r.

i'll just show my solutions in (a.i),(a.ii) and (a.iii)
(a.i)letting [H,px] operate on an arbitrary function Ax,
[H,px]Ax = HpxAx - pxHAx
 :rarrow:px= -ihd/dx  ; H= (-h2/2m)d2/dx2 + V

           HpxAx = (ih3/2m)d3Ax/dx3 - ihVdAx/dx
           pxHAx = (ih3/2m)d3Ax/dx3 - ihVdAx/dx
           thus [H,px] = 0.
(a.ii)when V(x) = (1/2)kx2; H = (-h2/2m)d2/dx2 + (1/2)kx2
           HpxAx = (ih3/2m)d3Ax/dx3 - (ihk/2)(x2)dAx/dx
           pxHAx = (ih3/2m)d3Ax/dx3 - (ihk/2)(x2)dAx/dx - ihkxAx
           thus  [H,px] = ihkxAx
(a.iii)(i dunno...T_T) i just let x=r and likewise dx= dr since (i think) its only considering 1 dimension and (i think x and r are just identical,hahaha..i neglected the cosine part..)..but i dunno..i really think its off..here it is..waaahhh!!!T_T
pr = -ihd/dr ; H = -(h2/2m)d2/dr2 + e2/4(pi)(epsilon)r.

           HprAr = (ih3/2m)d3Ax/dx3 - (ihe2/4(pi)(epsilon))(1/r)dAr/dr
           prHAr = (ih3/2m)d3Ax/dx3 - (ihe2/4(pi)(epsilon))(1/r)dAr/dr + (ihe2/4(pi)(epsilon))Ar/r2
           and thus..taddaahhh...[H,px] = [H,pr] = -(ihe2/4(pi)(epsilon))Ar/r2
huhuhu..i really dunno..pls help me...T_T

Offline benj

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Re: is this correct???
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2008, 11:13:36 PM »
help me pls...

Offline Hunt

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Re: is this correct???
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2008, 07:19:44 PM »
Hi benj,

It's a bit difficult to follow your work. Try to attach images or use Latex next time. Anyway your answers seem to be correct but u need to remove the "A" function at the end. That is , [H,p] = C A must be [H,p] = C ( no "A" ). You should review that in your book.

For the last part I would agree with you that the potential must be in terms of x i.e. r =x , otherwise, the hamiltonian would be in spherical polar coordinates and so must be the linear momentum operator , which doesnt seem to be the case ( according to the .pdf u attached a while back where the subscript x was shown below p ).

Offline benj

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Re: is this correct???
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2008, 11:08:38 PM »
oh right!!!hahaha..i missed that one..gee..thanks a lot!!!really really appreciate it..thanks!!!

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