and secondly...i am not in a rush for your reply. Many people come on here and throw comments around and never follow them up.
I don't observe that much, it may be true, not sure. Usually if someone is left hanging, they'll post and say "please help me", or something like that.
I found it extremely foolish of you to post a comment to a simple question asking me to think about it.
That is how this forum works. If you post a quesiton, but you don't show any attempt to answer or reason out the question yourself, then it is assumed you may not know. So then, the next step is to help point you in the right direction and lead you to the answer, which is what I tried to do.
Maybe there are people who post things without giving ANY consideration to the answer. But I believe that MOST humans posting here have at least thought about the answer to their question at least ONCE.
Oh, how completely wrong you are. I wish it were true, but it just isn't.
It may have been more polite of you to provide an example if you wanted to teach me or lead me in the right direction. You havent even done that in your final answer. You have simply offered me your understanding which for the most part am not sure if it is even correct.
I said I agreed with your answer, however, looking back, I think there may have been a miscommunication.
Here was the distinction.
In all cases, and as far as my chemical understanding is, when a bond is formed, energy is released, period. However, we are considering this in a vacuum, of what happens when a bond is formed. However, this is not considering a system where we have reactants and products.
When we have reactants and products:
If the products bonds have a higher potential energy (endothermic), they will be less stable, and will require energy input, thus an OVERALL energy input. However! That does not mean that when the physical bond is formed, energy is not released.
If the products bonds have a lower potential energy (exothermic), then they will be more stable, and will require energy input, thsu an overall energy OUTPUT.
I hope that is clear, and sufficiently answers your question. Let me know what is left that is not clear.