I really can't understand what you're trying to do, from your various posts, since your arrival on this board. You appear not to have basic university, or even advanced high school, chemistry knowledge. That's no big deal, lots of the new kids, on this board, have come here to get some help with their classes. Presumably, when they're done with their questions here, and their studies in class, they do know these concepts. You also appear to be trying to make some sort of invention, based on some concepts, revolving around chemistry. Lots of people come here to do that too. I don't want to discourage you, or make you think I'm trying to act elitist -- but really, without the basics, or a well defined plan, you're not going to get anywhere. You appear to want to not give too many secrets away, but from what you've told us, I don't see how you're going to accomplish anything. So I really don't have any answers for you, except you can try to keep reading the basic questions asked by others, that we've answered, and try to answer them yourself, and see how they apply to your particular application. Unless, you want to be complete transparent in what you're trying to accomplish.