the strength of the attacking nucleophile is important in SN2 mechanism, but it is hardly a contributing factor in SN1 because the carbocation intermediate is formed so easily, with reference to Hammond's Postulate. The stability of the carbocation (which translates to lower Ea to form the intermediate) is the driving force for SN1 mechanism.
in the case of alkyl iodide, we must take note that iodide is a strong nucleophile, thus it wouldn't be a very good leaving group. considering ejecting iodide from the alkane structure thru SN2 wouldn't be feasible because the new C-Nu bond formed must be more energetic than that of C-I. by rejecting the SN2 route, SN1 route (by default) is viable. The activation energy for this reaction would be the bond energy of the C-I bond to cause heterolysis of the C-I bond. The driving force for SN1 route would thus be probability (in my opinion).
correct me if i am wrong. organic chemistry is hardly a strong area of study for me.
1. Doesn't Hammond's postulate deal with whether the transition is early or late? This meaning that the transition state's stability is decided on whether it's structure is closer to the reactant, or the product.
2. Isn't the carbocation the intermediate in the reaction? I always thought that formation of the carbocation is the slow step because it is not as stable as the original compound and it takes an extreme amount of energy to force this process. The carbocation is in a higher potential energy than the alkyl halide in example. This show's that it is not as stable as the original structure.
3. As far as I know, Iodine is the best leaving group, especially amongst nucleophiles. Amongst halogens, in example, Iodine forms the weakest bond. Fluorine is the strongest nucleophile, and forms the strongest bond. It is solvation that hinders Fluorine to express it's anionic properties. But with substitution in the prescence of crown ethers such as 18-crown-6, fluorine is able to show the strength of it's nucleophilicity compared to other halogens.
So, wouldn't the final product be the deciding factor in this reaction? As long as the final product is more stable, thus in a lower potential as the originating reactant, and with the help of added energy, the reaction should be fissible. The carbocation is not really present that long for after formation, the reaction goes so fast that the final product is actually obeserved right away.
Just my two cents
please correct me if I am wrong too