Hello everyone,
I would appreciate someone's confirmation of my answers for this question. I am not sure if I have interpreted the idea correctly.
Thank you!
In trial #1, 12.00 mL of blue dye solution will be quickly mixed with 1.0 mL of bleach.
In trial #2, 12.00 mL of blue dye solution will be added to 0.50 mL of bleach, and 0.50 mL of NaCl solution (whose molar concentration must be the same as the concentration of NaOCl in bleach). The [bleach] is 0.7052 M.
What is the [NaOCl] immediately after the solutions are mixed for each of trials 1 and 2? That is, you are finding [NaOCl] at t = 0.
My Work:
McVc = MdVd
0.7052 M(0.0010 L) = Md(0.013 L)
Md = 0.05425 M