Have you opened the bottle of TiCl
4 and seen how much white smoke comes off? That sir, is your titanium dioxide (and a lot of HCl).
I've worked with titanium tetrachloride on a handful of occasions, none of which I really enjoyed. You know something is hygroscopic and rapidly hydrolyzing when it starts sealing itself into its own bottle!
Aqueous solution of titanium tetrachloride?!? Hahahahah!
You'd have better luck going about a different deposition route, perhaps a vapor deposition.
You might also think of making a solution of TiCl
4 in a solvent that it is non reactive with (hint: a fully chlorinated organic solvent). Then perhaps you might be able to rig something up where you can allow moisture to ''diffuse'' into the solvent and slowly deposit the titanium onto your substrate.
Shucks, surface scientists these days! Wanting to make aqueous TiCl
4 solutions...