Hi, this is a total shot in the dark but i'm wondering if anyone can offer insight.
I'm not a chemist or a researcher of any kind but I have a condition called hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating of the palms and soles.
A treatment exists called 'iontophoresis'. This consists of two metal trays, two cables, and a control unit to apply a mild electrical current into a solution in the trays. The trays are usually filled with water. No one knows how it actually works, it's believed the current (which travels through the solution) 'stuns' the sweat glands to stop working, whilst others believe metal from the trays passes through the skin and blocks the glands.
http://www.sweathelp.org/English/PFF_Treatment_Iontophoresis.aspA stronger solution exists called Glycopyrronium bromide (Glycopyrrolate) which is a anticholinergic, however it doesn't work for everyone and may not work that well (I use it myself).
For underarm sweating they can remove sweat glands by surgery but no such luck for the hands and feet, so i'm left thinking to myself can there be another chemical of some kind that we can transfer into the skin to destroy the sweat glands? That's why i'm posting to you guys here. If you have any theories i'm all ears. If I could get hold of any of the stuff I would try it on myself.
Thanks in advance.