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Topic: Chemical Engineering Interview Favor  (Read 4439 times)

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Chemical Engineering Interview Favor
« on: February 25, 2009, 05:02:51 PM »
Hi, my name is Rachel. I am a student in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program at my high school. In my Principles of Engineering class, we recently received a project. This project entails interviewing an engineer of our choice. I chose to research the field of chemical engineering. Personally, I do not have any connections with an engineer I could even ask to interview. Thus, here I am. If anyone would be so kind as to volunteer a few minutes of their time to answer 10-15 questions, it would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail me at if you are willing to help me out. Thank you in advance for all of your help, and thank you for providing this forum!

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