I have gotten back my A level result yesterday and after making lots of choices, like most of you here, i have decided to go for a chemistry degree. I'm entering National Service next friday and i couldn't attend university booths for all the informations so i have to choose a course right now, quite hastily but ye. I'm wondering is there any high pay jobs with a chemistry degree? So far i heard from my teachers and relatives a chemistry degree could work as teachers/researchers. I know it has many more like food science technician. My other choices were accountacy, environmetal engineering and bioengineering. I really think they are really good pay jobs but isn't my interest. It sounds bit like prospect vs pay but then it would be good to have it both but i don't know if you can get the latter with a chemistry degree. As i will only be entering the workforce 6 years later, would a chemistry degree still makes a good one?