The base and acid are in concentrations so I also need to divide the (initial amount + or - x) by the volume right?
Yes. Note, that both volumes (the one used to calculate concentration of the acid after the reaction, and the one used to calculate concentration of the conjugate base after the reaction) are identical, so they simply cancel out. You may safely use just numbers of moles oin HH equation.
OK I got -0.02 for x. That's probably wrong right?
I mean how can it be negative.
It probably means you have switched concentrations or sign somewhere.
Do you think the approach that I described in my last post would work?
You mean the edit? Honestly, I have missed that part.
But essentially it doesn't differ from the thing I have described - you have calculated concentrations of acid and conjugate base assuming complete reaction, and you have expressed both in terms of x - amount (volume) of HCl added. This is exactly approach I wrote about. And equations you wrote look OK to me (+/- one or two typos).
I used my approach and got 4.295 mL HCl, which I think is also wrong because it can absorb 64 mL of 0.10 M NaOH.
Check your math, I got different volume.