March 06, 2025, 11:32:07 PM
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Topic: Determination of second elementary step in reaction mechanism  (Read 3331 times)

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Offline Atome

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5. The rate law equation for the reaction,

BrO3- + 3SO32-  :rarrow: Br- + 3SO42-

is Rate = [BrO3-][SO32-][H+].

The first step of the mechanism is:

SO32- + H+  :rarrow: HSO3- (fast)

The second step of the mechanism is rate-determining. Write the reactant(s) only for the second step.


Hello there,

I am unsure if this is allowed, but I multiplied the fast, first step by 4.

Since the substances in the rate law must appear as reactants in step (2), the reactants for my second step are simply: BrO3- + SO32- + H+.

According to my modified step (1) and derived step (2), I will arrive at the overall reaction.

Thank you for your help.

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