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Topic: HPLC Stationary Structure C18  (Read 5983 times)

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HPLC Stationary Structure C18
« on: May 08, 2009, 01:01:55 AM »
When you're asked to draw a Stationary Phase/C18 Synergi Hydro PR by Phenomenex,
what is your first step?

I understand that C18 is low polarity with alkain chains, but in order to draw its schematic structure, what is the step?

Any input is appreciated.

Offline Train

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Re: HPLC Stationary Structure C18
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2009, 01:38:23 AM »
what is your first step?

Go to the Phenomenex website?   ;D

Column descriptions generally include the specific chemical structure of their stationary phase plus sometimes anything unique about the support.  Examples: ODS=Octadecylsilane, PFP=Pentafluorophenyl, cyano=cyanopropyl, etc.  BDS=Base deactivated silica.  C18 also stands for a specific structure not just any random group of alkyl chains.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 01:51:56 AM by Train »

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