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Topic: Drawing structural diagrams/naming structures?  (Read 5140 times)

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Drawing structural diagrams/naming structures?
« on: May 31, 2009, 05:15:45 PM »
I basically understand how to draw structural diagrams for compounds and how to write their IUPAC names, but there are a few concepts I'm unsure about:

1. If I'm asked to draw something like 3,4-dimethylcyclohexene, how do I know where the double bond will occur?


2. When you use "ane", "ene", or "yne" to name a compound, is it relevant to the IUPAC name how many of these bonds there are? For example, when naming the compound CH2 = CH - CH = CH - CH = CH2, do I mention in its IUPAC name how many double bonds occur? What I mean is, would the name be 1,3,5-hexatriene (tri meaning three) or 1,3,5-hexene?

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Re: Drawing structural diagrams/naming structures?
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2009, 05:22:25 PM »
start here:

for part 2, you should always use prefixes to tell how many of each functional group are present (alcohols, chlorides, alkenes, etc)... unless there's only one.  You don't need to use the prefix mono, it's assumed.
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