I'm happy you managed to cope OK. Part of the problem was that the board was offline for quite a while yesterday, so we may not have been able to get to help, and also it's not overly clear where your working is for those mathematical problems that you have answered.
For 1, where does your product list show potassium?
For 2, I'd've thought it would be more accurate to take a mass, rather than counting billions of atoms, so I'm not sure that's the best answer.
3, 5.4 what? pints (UK / US?), cups?..
4, again, check your units
5, What's your expression for Kc?
6, simple plugging into the equation and rearranging to find Cbase
7, I think the question is asking for the difference between Lowry-Broensted and Arrhenius, rather than between acid and base
8, sounds fine
9, what process occurs at the cathode - oxidation or reduction? Can you write an equation ignoring spectator ions.
10 seems a bit advanced for high school, but what do you know of the strong nuclear force?
11, balance your protons and nucleons
12, again, perhaps a bit advanced for high school, how much do you know on this topic?