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Topic: ETHIDIUM BROMIDE Question VERY IMPORTANT  (Read 2421 times)

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Offline Toyotataco4x4

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« on: June 11, 2009, 09:32:04 PM »
This semester I am doing undergrad research. This past Tuesday I was introduced to PCR. My professor warned me about what it does, and always said wear gloves when handling with it or anything its in. I was looking around the internet about the stuff and it says to wear gloves with nitrile rubber. In the lab we wear latex gloves so my question is if its possible that wearing latex gloves while handling with EtBr is still not good enough. As dangerous as it could be I want to make sure that I'm not at risk because I will be doing a lot of PCR. Also, if it is not good to wear latex gloves, how do I approach my professor about it?

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